Friday, August 3, 2007

Milk ... Milk Was a Bad Choice...

Cody and I had entertained some high hopes of going 103 miles all the way to Eads, Colorado.

This morning, I picked up some Blueberry Morning at the supermarket; unfortunately, they only had whole milk, so upon cereal and whole milk I breakfasted. A few miles into the ride, I could tell something wasn't quite right. When we arrived in Leoti, KS, we went in to Ethel's Diner for lunch.

By then, I could tell I was ill. Dry toast was all I felt I could stomach and I held my head in my hands for 15 minutes before even looking sideways at the toast. When things came to a head and I realized I was going to be sick, I went to the restroom. The restroom was occupied. I burst out the front door, took two steps and completely lost it all over the sidewalk in front of Ethel's. I felt much better, but our century hopes were dashed.

I went back inside to take some Pepto, but a few minutes later, I found myself outside yet again. Just as I was about to lose it again, two guys walked up and started asking about our bikes. Their conversation was enough of a distraction for me to keep things under control, but just as they left, another couple came up and started asking about our travels. Again, as soon as we had gotten rid of them, and I was free to honk in private, there on the public sidewalk, a farmer came out of the cafe to chat. I can't get no relief.

We'll struggle the remaining 22 miles to Tribune, KS (in mountain time!) and call it a day.



Anonymous said...

Hello John,

We hope that it was only the milk that made you sick, and you'll be feeling better soon.

We're so glad Cody is with you.


Anonymous said...

Ya, when you're not used to that much fat at once, your body just kinda rejects it. Safe Travels!


Unknown said...

Dude, The title is amazinng! Also I got your post card today. I'll see you soonish.

-the Kara

Noelle said...

Hey, I don't know which way you're coming back or if you're riding back or going home some other way or if this would be against your philosophy of cycling across the country...but you know I live in Missouri now, right? You're welcome to stay here should you ever need to. At least we have a real toilet for you to puke in.

chris sparkman said...

Hey John, I finally signed up for this hi-tech computerized communication stuff. Way to go with the puking. Just letting you know, thats MY trademark so dont get in the habbit of it:) I'm still thoroughly jealous of you and cody. May God bless you both and smite the stupid motorists.