Thursday, July 26, 2007


Had a nice 85-mile jaunt yesterday to Golden City, Missouri. I met up with the French guys about 10 miles out of town - we had a nice rotation the rest of the way. They wanted to find a place to relax and cool off after the ride and they picked the first place they found - the Side Door Saloon. We went in there, totally clad in lycras, an American and three Frenchmen, to this awful biker bar. There were confederate flags strewn everywhere and a man with one-arm and even fewer teeth was dismantling another chap at a game of nine-ball. It was absolutely, gut-wrenchingly scary.

The French guys asked me if that is what American cafes and bars are usually like - they thought it was very kitschy and fun, like something out of a movie. I let them down easily, explaining that this is not what all American culture is usually like. Hopefully that proves to be true.

Either way, we all slept in the park and parted ways again in the morning. I said goodbye to Irv and Barb and lit out for Pittsburgh. Got some lunch, ran some errands (bank, post office, derailleur adjustment, et al) and found Irv and Barb to wish them well one more time. I now write to you from Girard, Kansas, hoping to make it to Chanute tonight, although I have already covered about 52 miles and have another 45 to go, so I'm not sure if I will reach it by nightfall.

I believe I am catching up with Brent and Lee, two guys around my age who I have been just behind for weeks now. I have also heard reports that I am closing in on Mike Allen, the agreeable British fellow from my previous exploits.

Signing off,