Monday, August 27, 2007

Gunning for the usual 5:00 a.m. departure, Mike and I cycled out of Fallon, NV this morning, our brains completely shaken and rattled at the urban sprawl. We're not even in the Sacramento Valley yet. Apart from today being the first day of school in the area and accordingly frenetic, the traffic was generally maddening and unrelenting.

We had a grand time in Fallon on our rest day, eating at the same restaurant for every meal, watching people pump quarters into slot machines, going to see action movies at the theater and obsessing over the 61-mile pull to Carson City on my dangerous tires.

Well, the tires made it. Not exactly with style, grace or aplomb, but the tires made it. We got squared away at the bike shop and lit out for our intended destination, Genoa, NV. It turned out to be a cute little tourist town, allegedly the site of the very first settlement in Nevada, although I'm not sure why it's on this side of the state, apart from the obvious reasons: there's nothing else anywhere in the whole state, no desert oasis to run to. And Genoa is really a genuinely nice place; nestled at the base of the Sierra Nevada, there are beautiful wildflowers, sunflowers, frolicking deer (one of which we observed crapping on someone's lawn this afternoon) and friendly bears that wander down to see what's for supper.

If I ever write a full-length account of my travels across this land by bicycle, I'll fill you in on the details of my accommodations; for now, I'll spare you. Either way, tomorrow morning we will cross into the last state, California, and begin our climb of the last mountain pass on the entire journey, Carson's Pass. It, however, is a real bruiser, so no time to celebrate now. I'll write you from Fair Play, Placerville or Sacramento. Wherever.



Anonymous said...

California - here you come! I'm proud of you Zambo! I hope that your remaining miles are safe and smooth. Tomorrow (Tues) is the first Jazz Ens. rehearsal of the year. We'll miss you!


Anonymous said...

Go Go Go!

Anonymous said...

We check for your updates almost daily and read them with great envy. We are vicariously on this journey with you. We're rootin' for you as you finish!
Keith and Bethany Barker

Anonymous said...

Please do write a full-length account of your ride some day... I hope to read it!


Anonymous said...

Missing you. Praying for your safety and strength and a protective shield from those cars! Love, mom

Anonymous said...

Seriously - you must write a book. It would sell. Really well.

Gee and I are still thinking about you, tracking with you cyber-ly, and praying for you. Can't wait to hear all about it. Are you really going to finish tomorrow??!

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! Can't wait to hear how you felt at the end! What an amazing adventure!!! Have loved reading your accounts. I can almost feel the fatique AND splendor!!!
Susan Min's Aunt, Scott's sister in Cincinnat!!!

Unknown said...

Wow! You're almost there!!
Thanks for visiting our site and feel free to stop by any time! I'm not sure my 2 year old and 5 month old are nearly as exciting as riding a bike cross country but stop in whenever.
I found you totally randomly. If you look at the top of your page you can click on Next Blog and it will take you to the next blog on the server. Well, I happened to click on that one day and it took me to yours!
Pretty cool...much better than the German Fashion Blogs I normally get to!

Anonymous said...


I agree with the others, please write a full account of your trip. I'll buy a copy! We are praying for you as you finish your awesome ride. God Bless and stay safe. Looking forward to seeing you back in Beavercreek.

Cindy R